Wednesday 21 March 2012

It's been a few days... and mostly because i've been feeling really good and there wasn't alot to write about!

I had a fun filled weekend of slurpee's and ice cold drinks hahaha! Watched some hockey - got real sad when the Jets lost... and that's about as exciting as my weekend got!

So now onto Monday ...

I had an appointment with the Oncologist - he just wanted to know how I was doing and get an update from me... My response "Well let's see your giving me Chemo - so... Not so good doc :P "

But let's be serious for just a moment - he said that i'm taking the treatments quite well and won't make any changes to them (1 point for me). He prescribed me some pills and a mouth wash for the sores in my mouth and said it should "help" take them away.

Now on Monday I also had an X-RAY to see if my picc line was still usable for my chemo - which is scheduled for the following day. I waited around to see if I could get the results - and they sent me home stating that I would get them when I come the next day.

So Tuesday - Tam and I arrive at the hospital and they have a look at my picc site - and they all looked a little worried - multiple nurses standing in a circle talking about it - they then paged my Oncologist... That's when I knew things were not going to go as planned... It's "ME" why would things be simple... nope they never are lol... I always seems to make things more difficult. Turns out they had to remove my picc - as it had come out so much on it's own 10+ cm - which I guess is not good - Also the entry point was infected ( got the results back from the swab the week before ) ... So no chemo for me yesterday...

So what's next - well I am now waiting for a call where I will have to go in and get a port inserted. It goes under the skin and is on my chest... You can see a picture of it here... -

The nurse stated that it was better then a picc line and could stay in much longer... So that's the latest and greatest folks... Just remember if your reading this - I am not your "typical" patient... I tend to like to do things the hard way and make it more difficult lol - so have no fear your journey ( if your going through it ) will be alot lets eventful I'm sure :)


Michelle O said...

I think you are beautiful!!
Losing hair is out of your control and not being in control SUCKS- Cancer SUCKS

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