Sunday 25 March 2012

The weekend... and what's coming up!

Loving the sunshine!!! Had a great weekend... but I guess before I get into that I should tell you what happened after my post Wednesday...

Wednesday afternoon I had a routine follow up appointment with Dr. Shwarz (the surgeon who did my resection) - He had a look at my tummy - asked if I was feeling any pain and I let him know I was doing great when it came to my stomach.

I then let him know what was going on with my arm and how my picc got infected and how Abby was waiting/looking for a Surgeon to insert the port - he looked at me and off he went and made all the arrangements to have me in surgery the following day - woah... talk about service! He said that I had waited long enough and had been through enough and that he wanted to do this... ( he's a pretty great/amazing doc!! ).

So Thursday I had the port installed at about 2:45PM - and was home by 6ish the same day. I have yet to see what it looks like as it's all bandaged up.. but as soon as they take off the bandages I'll take some pictures of it - it was a little sore but nothing major at all! I honestly expected it to be worse!

So I'm now a week behind in my Chemo schedule - time to shift things and move things around grrrrr... but on a good note because of the shift and it being on Monday instead of a Tuesday - Laura will be spending the day with me! It will be nice to catch up...

The girls and I took Charlie to the puppy park today! Really loving all of this sunshine - starting to feel like spring!

On a more depressing note ... my hair is really thinning - not balding fully but I can see scalp which really upsets me - I thought I would really deal with the hair loss thing a lot better then I have been... I tried convincing myself that it would be no big deal... that if it all fell out I would just shave it and that would be the end of that - well it's not really that easy for me - I miss my long hair - I miss being able to style my hair - and do not want to part with any of my hair - and I find myself just wearing hats! - I feel super unattractive right now - No matter how many times Adam tells me I'm beautiful ( and he tells me all the time ) - I just don't feel it right now! I want my hair back... and I really REALLY think Cancer sucks!


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