Sunday 19 February 2012

All about today.. and what's coming.. 

Well today was all about puppy and I ... gave me alot of time to think about what's coming up...

Some of you may know that I opted to join a "Clinical Trial Group". I am the first one to be in this group from the lower mainland but it has been going on for quite some time in other countries and provinces.

I had to fill out forms to ensure I met the criteria... "Stage 3" was one of them along with the size of the tumor as well as had lymph nodes test positive - I'm sure there was other criteria but I really don't remember ( yes I'm horrible at listening, hence the reason I love having someone with me at all times... I tend to stay focused on w/e scared me and the rest goes out the window) 

The just of the clinical trial is to see if they can give you less sessions of chemo and still have the same effect... along with a new drug they are testing that helps with the adverse affects that chemo has such as numbing of the finger tips and toes. It has been very successful thus far and to be honest.. I would prefer to have less chemicals in my body.

So how it works is your name gets put into a computer program that randomizes you into one of four groups.  The groups are A:  6 months with the new drug B: 6 months with a placebo ( a pill that looks like the new drug but really is nothing but a sugar pill ) C: 3 months with the new drug and D: 3 months with a placebo.

The clinic called and let me know that I was in group C or D ( that's the most they can tell you ) so I know i'm only getting 3 months of chemo providing all goes well.

They will also be watching me very closely - which means some extra appointments, which in all honesty I don't mind at all :)

What's coming up?

Tomorrow I have very very full day - Heather will be here to pick me up first thing in the morning...

 I start at the Cancer clinic first thing in the morning with the insertion of my pic line. This is a line that will be kept in me for the duration of my Chemo. I'm not sure what to expect fully but they say it's not painful and can take up to 4 hours.

Once that is done I make my way up to "Chemo Teach" this is where I assume they teach you about the chemo machine that I will be taking home. With the Chemo i'm getting I go to the hospital and spend 4 hours getting chemo and then I go home with a small machine that continues to inject into my system for 46 hours.

Once I am done with that I see my Oncologist for my appointment and finally get to go home and rest.

The following day ( Tuesday Feb 21st ) I get my first dose of Chemo... If I said I wasn't scared i'd be lying.. The fear of the unknown... Will I be sick? Will I lose my hair? Will I lose my nails? No one knows and really no one can predict - everyone is different.

I will tell you this... I don't want to be sick that is my one wish. If my hair falls out so be it... it will grow back.. if my nails fall out ( gross ) but I will survive it. But I really don't like being sick so I have to keep a positive attitude and just not LET IT HAPPEN! I am the boss of me... and I say who what where and when... and I say NO! SO HA!

Anyhow that's my update for today... stay tuned for tomorrow night - I know I still owe you all a timeline for Feb - Michelle is working on it geesh.. give the girl a break she's busy you know! :P
She keeps all my dates for me.. and has since this started... I could not have done a Jan timeline without her! <3 you Mich!

So ... until we meet again nighty night :)


Tam said...

When I went in for my foot surgery in Sept in the Quesnel hospital, I met a man there who was also battling cancer he had a pic line. He also has veins like us LOL said it was the BEST thing they had done for him makes the IV's so much easier on the body. Hopefully this will be the same for you.
Stay strong my friend <3 you

Michelle O said...

Love you Giselle <3

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