Tuesday 17 April 2012

What's in my chemo bag...?

So... I haven't posted in a while - and no I didn't forget and yes it was on my mind... But sometimes when your feeling down and low... it's not something I really felt everyone needed to be subjected too...

Some days looking in the mirror is harder than others - wish it would all end you know... I hate the color my skin has gone.. ( looks like a bad fake tan in my opinion ) - this is another side effect of the Chemo. I hate being tired all the time and feeling sick... I know this could all be worse and I know some people in the world do have it much worse then I do... I just get frustrated with it all... ( yes I'm a baby and I'll be the first to admit it ) :P

I know I know .. I need to focus on the positive and not the negative and be happy for the things I have in my life... I can say it... it's just harder to believe some days.

But for real... some days are just plain old CRAPPY! I am happy that I have support and people to tell me that it will get better and that I'm being ridiculous ( thanks Court ) She has a way of just letting me know that i'm mom and no Cancer is going to get in the way of that - I need to stay strong for my girls ... and I am truly thankful I have them both <3

My girls are my world and without them I am nothing... so for that I am thankful to be alive! :)

Now... let's get to this weeks post because all that stuff above was just ... well plain old DEPRESSING!

I thought I would share what's in my Chemo bag since I so nicely placed it all out on my bed when I was cleaning it out for next week lol...

So here are some pics :)

So... as you can see I have snacks ( yogurt granola bars and Meli Melo's ) - Cards - Crib Board - Pen/Pencil - Hot Packs ( to warm my hands ) - a cancer book that they gave me when I showed up for my first vist to the cancer clinic.  FLOSS ( can never leave home without FLOSS!!! And I have my medical journal / appointment book.

This is where I keep all my questions for the doc and write down appointments and keep the appointment cards they give me :)

It really is almost like a second job trying to keep track of all the appointments and all of the small tasks that you have to do each day. Mmk so maybe it's not quite THAT bad but it is quite alot of things... Cancer is a huge pain in my butt...  lol no pun intended :P

I also have to keep track and take all kinds of pills - right after I have my Chemo I have to take 13 different pills ( that's one day's worth!!! ) Some are for the trial - some are for nausea - others for my low iron - and to be honest I can't think of why I'm taking some others :P

Well... I think that's all for this week - going to watch some "Game of Thrones" with ma man :)- Since it's my birthday month he lets me choose ... ohh who am I kidding I'm spoiled whether it's my birthday month or not lol...

Love you guys :)